Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Raising Cane

It appears that my recent post regarding South Florida Food Trucks, Inc.  has been misconstrued by my peers, When in fact the sole intent and purpose of South Florida Food Trucks Inc. is to create unity and non-discrimination amongst our industry. There are a hand full of pioneers, primarily from Dade County, that have forged ahead and paved the way for all of us and should be commended for their efforts. There are also those that have ridden the coat tails of these pioneers and now have risen in prominence to attain a “Holier than Thou” status . They tout such statements as “You Don’t Meet the Requirements to participate in this event” Even though the requirements are never communicated, even when they are requested!

It is this writer’s opinion that what is inferred by Requirements really means your social networking skills. If you don’t meet the quota of followers on Facebook, or Twitter than "you are not welcome at my event." This has never been quantified only inferred! This type of cavalier attitude only breeds animosity and doesn’t take into account any type of culinary skill or quality into account! I have recently heard some very discouraging tales from attendees at one of our local food truck gatherings, in Fort Lauderdale, with respect to the long lines, wait times & pricing. Being a owner/operator, I understand that for some reason people expect fresh made ingredients to magically appear faster from a truck than from a land based restaurant. 

Food Truck promoters and event coordinators must conduct their businesses in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, as the owner/operators must do. They bring a great value to the individual vendors as they research, contact, negotiate & promote these events. However, they should treat the owner/operators equally and without prejudice. We all have spent long arduous hours conceptualizing, designing, building, permitting, prepping, cooking, and serving our product to the public and my hats off to the qualified promoters that help us in our daily quest for success!
Stay Hungry My Friends!

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